Power BI Projects

3. Fleet Management Analysis

An analysis of a Fleet's KPIs of a given company. It's a real Power BI dashboard created by me to control strategic KPIs of the Fleet where I worked, and it was translated, having all the real names and license plates being replaced by random ones in order to protect the company's integrity.

2. Customers Personality Analysis

An analysis of the personality of a supposed company's customers. The dashboard provides information such as:

- Number of customers by the level of education, age group and total annual income

- Number of children, children and adolescents

- Average days since last purchase

- Total income by age group and by marital status

- Total spent by age group, marital status, product and the level of education

- Relation between income x total amount spent and average spending

- Total spent per salary range

1. Expenses of Brazilian Politicians

An analysis made by me about the expenses of the politicians in Brazil from 2018 to the middle of 2020.

I took data from the expenses of the deputies during the period from 2018 to 2020 (until mid-August), making a brief analysis and showing the evolution of these expenses during the period in question. On the dashboard, we can see the highest expenditure per year, per parliamentarian, per party, average expenditure per year and per party.

Although simple, it was a very enriching activity because I faced some challenges in the treatment of certain data, which provided me with a greater understanding and learning about the subject.